Bruker apex iidiffractometer
Bruker apex iidiffractometer

bruker apex iidiffractometer
  1. #Bruker apex iidiffractometer software#
  2. #Bruker apex iidiffractometer Pc#
  3. #Bruker apex iidiffractometer series#
bruker apex iidiffractometer

Magnets are ubiquitous in modern society, employed in an enormous range of applications from information storage, biomedical imaging and cancer therapy to space research 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. As these are determined by intermolecular distance, ‘squeezing’ the molecules closer together generates remarkable enhancements in ordering temperatures, with a linear dependence of T c with pressure. Here we report the effect of pressure on two such mononuclear rhenium(IV) compounds that exhibit long-range magnetic order under ambient conditions via a spin canting mechanism, with T c controlled by the strength of the intermolecular interactions. A lesser known family of magnetically ordered complexes are the monometallic compounds of highly anisotropic d-block transition metals the ‘transformation’ from isolated zero-dimensional molecule to ordered, spin-canted, three-dimensional lattice being the result of through-space interactions arising from the combination of large magnetic anisotropy and spin-delocalization from metal to ligand which induces important intermolecular contacts. Users from outside Cornell interested in using the facility should contact Sam MacMillan.Materials that demonstrate long-range magnetic order are synonymous with information storage and the electronics industry, with the phenomenon commonly associated with metals, metal alloys or metal oxides and sulfides.

#Bruker apex iidiffractometer software#

Multiple other software for crystallographic research are also available on the workstation.

bruker apex iidiffractometer

#Bruker apex iidiffractometer Pc#

Additional equipment include a Nikon Stereoscopic Zoom Microscope with polarizing attachments, as well as an extra PC workstation with access to the Cambridge Structural Database and the complete suite of Rigaku OD CrysAlisPro and Bruker AXS software for data processing, structure solution, refinement and report production. We are capable of handling air- and moisture-sensitive samples and welcome any and all challenges.

#Bruker apex iidiffractometer series#

We also house a Bruker X8 APEX II diffractometer, equipped with a 4-circle Kappa goniometer, a 3 kW Mo sealed-tube, an APEX II charge-coupled device (CCD) detector and an Oxford Cryosystems 600 Series Cryostream. The combination of these high-flux sources with the high sensitivity and zero background noise of the HPC detector has made it possible for us to collect data for very small crystals and even protein crystals.

bruker apex iidiffractometer

Our facility maintains a Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy diffractometer, equipped with a 4-circle Kappa goniometer, dual microfocus X-ray sources (Mo/Cu), a HyPix-6000HE Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) detector and an Oxford Cryosystems 800 Series Cryostream. Our goal is to provide crystal structure analysis of small molecules (organic, inorganic, organometallic and coordination compounds) and to instruct students, faculty and other users in the collection and interpretation of X-ray diffraction data. The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology’s X-ray Diffraction Facility offers single-crystal X-ray diffraction services to members of the Cornell campus and other researchers throughout the region.

Bruker apex iidiffractometer